The Ready Network Relief Mission & Beliefs
In a disaster aftermath environment, we deliver life saving essential items to victims and survivors that in some cases can be life or death situations. Through preparedness education, quick response teams, and emergency and survival products, our programs empower families to restart their lives after a natural disaster occurs.

Fill The Gap
- Red Cross & FEMA provide a great long-term service, however Ready Network Relief jumps into action immediately.
- We work together with local authorities to have boots on the ground immediately after the disaster strikes.
- We provide victims and survivors with immediate relief such as clean drinking water, hot meals, communications to loved ones, basic first aid, portable solar back up power, legal advice, shelter, comforts and so much more.
Our programs help relieve the stress and fear after a natural disaster occurs.
We are there for victims and survivors to help them get through the first few days right after a disaster occurs.
We fill the gap until large scale long term help can arrive.

Rapid Response
- Ready Network Relief can immediately set up a staging area to provide hot meals, clean drinking water, basic first aid, communications, legal advice, security, and supplies distribution to victims and survivors of the disaster, with safety and security of our volunteers and the disaster victims as our number one priority.
- Ready Network Relief can stage just outside the disaster area because of our nationwide network of Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) strategically positioned across the USA its Territories, the DR and the Caribbean Islands.
- Natural disasters often cause tremendous amounts of damage. The Ready Network Relief drone reconnaissance team survey the disaster area from high above and relays the information back to our command center set up at the base camp. The drone data is analyzed then passed on to the proper authorities and or our volunteers to help anyone in need.

Emergency Operations Centers (EOC)
- Our network of Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) are strategically positioned across the USA its Territories, the DR and the Caribbean Islands. Our EOC’s are fully stocked with all the life saving gear and supplies needed to address almost any disaster.
- Our Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) are equipped with state of the art weather and computer technology to monitor weather developments across the country and schedule and plan an emergency response quickly and efficiently.
- Our goal is to be able to mobilize anywhere within our covered territories to service a combined effort to deliver relief to 250,000 victims and survivors of a natural disaster at any given time.
- Our EOC’s give Ready Network Relief the ability to move life saving survival gear around quickly and resupply areas effected by natural disasters.
- Ready Network Relief can stage just outside the disaster area and be Ready to jump into action to deliver relief when and where it is needed most.

Local Volunteers
- Ready Network Relief operates with a 90% volunteer work force. At the onset of a disaster we send out email and text messages to our volunteer database. Our volunteers are from every walk of life, medical professionals, legal professionals, ex military, retired law enforcement, college students, specialty craft people, and men and woman from every industry and profession you can imagine.
- Ready Network Relief operates in the USA its Territories, the DR and the Caribbean Islands. We have a low overhead, which allows us to use the bulk of your donations for life saving supplies that actually reach the hands of survivors and victims of disasters. We intend to use at least 80% of every dollar donated to reach the hands of survivors and victims of disasters.
- At the onset of a disaster we send out email and text messages to our volunteer database. Our volunteers jump into action to begin the relief so desperately needed in the first few days of a natural disaster.
Our Mission Statement
In a disaster aftermath environment, we deliver life saving essential items and support to victims and survivors that in some cases can be life or death situations. Through preparedness education, rapid response teams, and emergency and survival products, our programs help relieve the stress and fear after a natural disaster occurs. We are there for victims and survivors to help them get through the first few days right after a disaster occurs. We fill the gap until large scale long term help can arrive.
Core Values
While words such as ‘integrity’, ‘accountability’ and ‘excellence’ certainly describe characteristics that our organization strives to embody, our core values are ones that can’t be expressed through words—and only exist as an extension of our actions. This includes taking everyday steps for our board of directors, staff and students to:
- Inspire hope
- Demand excellence in everything we do
- Respect each person as an individual
- Demonstrate integrity and accountability
- Move toward and demonstrate self-sufficiency through teamwork and mentoring
- Commit to spiritual, emotional, social, and vocational growth
- Maintain an environment that fosters teamwork, success and trust
- Create leaders centered on stewardship (time, talent and treasure)
We believe accountability is the key to achieving long term success in life. We are committed to clearly communicating expectations, walking through challenges, and providing caring assistance in all instances and at all levels of the organization.
We believe that education is vital to self-reliance and self-sufficiency. We are committed to compassionately providing victims and survivors of natural disasters with educational opportunities, equipment, and life skills necessary to make well informed decisions in all aspects of their emergency preparedness.
We believe empowerment leads to self-reliance and self-sufficiency. In contrast to a handout, we believe in equipping and inspiring families to be more prepared when a disaster strikes.
Some of Our Valued Sponsors
Our Directors
Meet our founders and leaders. These are the people who are fighting to restore the lives of those suffering from natural disasters on a daily basis.